Health ingredients & Food ingredients Asia China is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Where food and health ingredients meet

Co-located numbers
Source, learn and connect
  • 2,500+
  • 120,00
  • 200,00
  • 115+
    Countries represented
Meet leading food & health ingredients and packaging & processing suppliers

Join us at Hi & Fi Asia-China

Hi & Fi Asia-China will once again come together with HNC, ProPak China & FoodPack, Starch Expo to bring together an extensive offering in health ingredients, food ingredients, nutraceuticals, natural ingredients, starch ingredients and packaging and processing solutions – all under one roof.


China remains an extremely competitive market with improving ingredient quality and continues to offer global food and health ingredients professionals a cost-effective strategy to generate revenue.

Vitafoods Europe Timeline

Hi Asia-China

Hi Asia-China is the dedicated area for sourcing health and natural ingredients. With more than 500 leading local exhibitors, Hi China is the largest meeting place for the health ingredients industry in China.

Fi Asia-China

Located alongside Hi Asia-China, Fi Asia-China offers you acess to a wide selection of leading food and beverage ingredients suppliers who will be on hand to meet your market demands.

Vitafoods Europe team photo

Healthplex Expo, Natural & Nutraceutical Products China

HNC (Healthplex Expo, Natural & Nutraceutical Products China) is a trusted platform for high-quality brands and manufacturers to expand markets, explore channels, and stay updated on trends and policies. Focused on innovation, it covers functional foods, nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, beauty products, TCM, and healthcare products.

ProPack China & FoodPack

ProPak China, together with FoodPack China provides processing and packaging solutions to food, beverage, dairy, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and other industries and it is the best place to find out which machines, systems, technologies and applications are made possible by the latest developments.

Starch Expo

Starch Expo welcomes more than 200 domestic and international enterprises related to starch, starch derivatives, starch processing machinery, as well as the potato industry.

Our beliefs

We believe in relationships that...

01 Inspire innovation

02 Enable collaboration

03 Drive change

"Health Ingredients and Food Ingredients Asia-China 2024 promises to be a ground-breaking event, bringing together industry leaders, innovators, and experts to showcase the latest advancements in health and food ingredients."

Celine Charlot, Brand Manager, Food ingredients Asia & Africa-Middle-East

Our people
What we've been up to
Attendees looking at products and Hi & Fi Asia-China
Hi & Fi Asia-China opening
Audience at a theatre at Hi & Fi Asia-China
Team at Hi & Fi Asia-China
Networking at Hi & Fi Asia-China
Visitor sitting down
Informa Markets
A network of expertise
Fi Global specialists in health and nutrition, Hi & Fi Asia-China is part of Informa Markets. For decades, we have been connecting buyers and sellers to enable the growth of specialist markets worldwide