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Booths H2.C37 H2.C37 H2.C37 |
Pure Oil

Sunflower oil is recognized as one of the most important oils of plant origin.

Sunflower oil is the main source of fat-soluble vitamin E.Vitamin E prevents aging, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the liver.This important vitamin also affects the function of the endocrine, genital and other glands.It is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the body, helps to improve memory.By the content of vitamin E, sunflower oil is twelve times ahead of olive oil.

An important component of sunflower oil is unsaturated fatty acids, which are called vitamin F, which is necessary for the full functioning of nerve fibers, blood vessels and liver cells.

In addition, vegetable oil helps to remove cholesterol from the body, which protects the walls of blood vessels and liver cells. In addition, vegetable oil helps to remove cholesterol from the body, which protects the walls of blood vessels from blood clots and atherosclerosis.

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Fi Africa - ProPak Mena 2024

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