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Booths H2.A13 |
Sodium Lactate Powder

Sodium Lactate Powder

Chemical formula:C3H5NaO3

Molecular weight: 112.06

CAS No.: 72-17-3

Properties:colorless or slightly yellow powder or solid. It is a solid product of sodium lactate processed by a series of processes after the content of food additive sodium lactate (solution) is increased (≥90%).

Application:Mainly used in meat as preservative, it also has the functions of water retention, acidity adjustment, anti-oxidation, bulking, thickening and stabilization.

Sodium lactate in hand pulled noodles, dumpling wrappers, ravioli wrappers can effectively stop water flow from the inside of the product to the surface, and keep the surface dry and non sticky.

In flour products like hand pulled noodles, dumpling wrappers, ravioli wrappers,  can effectively stop water flowing from the inside to surface, and keep the surface dry and non sticky;

Can be directly added into powder spices.

Packaging and storage: In 25kg/ bag. Store in a cool,dry, well-ventilated area away from toxic and hazardous chemicals.

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Fi Africa - ProPak Mena 2024

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